Row Counting Chains

How many of us have a pattern that tells us to knit so many rows …? Are you like me …? Try (without too much success) to keep tally in my head of the rows worked before the next pattern instruction? Especially if there is no paper and pen at hand and you are too lazy to get up and find it …. Or maybe a purchased barrel type row counter that you place on your knitting needle …

This lovely handmade (and ingenious) chain is a row counting chain that keeps track of your knitting rows from 1-99!!! At last a beautiful tool for keeping count, so much nicer than paper and pen.

They are easy to use. Simply put the chain on your needles and use the same way you would use a round stitch marker. After completing your first row, slide the ring between 1-2 onto your needle and continue moving your needle into the next ring with each row completed. Once you reach the zero ring, place the lobster clasp marker on the ring above number one to stand for row 10. After completing this row, restart at the first ring and work your way down the chain again. Every 10 rows move the lobster clasp down to the next number ring. For example, if you have completed 37 rows the lobster clasp should be on the ring between 3 and 4 and the knitting needle is in the ring between 7 and 8. This chain is ingenious, and you will never forget how many rows you have completed if you need to set the project aside halfway through completing a set number of rows.

The row counting chain is only for knitting and cannot be used in crocheting.

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