Crafting Calm: Finding Serenity in Stress Awareness Month


April marks Stress Awareness Month, a designated time to highlight the detrimental impact of stress on our lives. Managing stress is not just a luxury but a necessity for maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Understanding how to effectively manage stress can significantly enhance both our mental and physical well-being. It’s crucial to recognise the signs of stress and anxiety and know how to take proactive steps to build resilience and seek support when needed.

In our quest to reduce stress levels and promote well-being, exploring different strategies is paramount. One such approach gaining recognition is the therapeutic practice of crafting. Research suggests that engaging in creative activities can offer more than just a mere outlet for self-expression or a way to pass the time. Crafting has been found to reduce anxiety, boost mood, and foster happiness, thereby serving as a valuable tool in combating stress and even depression.

Crafting has always been a passion of mine – whether it’s knitting, sewing, spinning, or needlework, I’ve been immersed in creative projects since I was just five years old. Throughout the years, crafting has been a constant companion, offering solace during both the good times and the tough ones. It’s remarkable how this seemingly simple activity serves as an underrated coping mechanism and stress-relieving outlet for daily anxieties.

During periods of extreme stress, whether stemming from demanding work environments or challenging family situations, crafting became my sanctuary. I poured myself into various projects – sewing, knitting, crochet, needlework, and cross-stitching, finding solace in the rhythm of each stitch.

Cross-stitching, in particular, became my go-to during moments of heightened stress or anxiety. There’s something about the focused concentration required, whether sitting outdoors surrounded by nature’s symphony or comfy indoors with a good audiobook or soothing music, that soothes the mind. Counting the squares on the chart, translating the chart symbols into crosses on fabric – it’s a process that demands attention and redirects my thoughts. With each stitch, my mind clears, and I find myself entering a state of calm, completely absorbed in the meditative act of stitching.

Crafting is not just a pastime; it’s a therapeutic journey that allows individuals to momentarily escape the grasp of their conditions and immerse themselves in the positivity of creation. Engaging in a craft project demands complete focus, akin to the state achieved through meditation. This profound concentration serves as a balm for stress, as it redirects the mind away from worries and towards the task at hand.

The physiological benefits of crafting are equally remarkable. As one delves into their creative pursuit, the brain sends signals of tranquillity throughout the body, leading to a reduction in blood pressure and tension. This flow of relaxation fosters a profound sense of well-being, lifting moods and reducing stress levels. Moreover, the state of flow attained during crafting, where one becomes entirely absorbed in the activity, proves to be both rewarding and enjoyable. The challenge of completing a complex craft further enhances this experience, making it a potent antidote to the strains of daily life.

Indeed, after a taxing day, indulging in a hobby offers more than just a momentary reprieve; it becomes a vital tool for rejuvenation. This “me” time provides an outlet for releasing accumulated stress, offering solace in the act of creation. Additionally, the creative process itself serves as a channel for managing emotions, particularly when words fail to express the depth of one’s feelings. By tapping into our imaginative faculties, crafting enables us to navigate and transcend the tumultuous landscape of stress and anxiety.

Yet, stress poses a formidable barrier to creativity, disrupting the delicate balance needed for inspiration to flourish. When overwhelmed by stress, our mental capacity falters, stifling the very essence of creativity. The weight of pressure and anxiety encumbers the mind, impeding the free flow of ideas and inhibiting the freedom necessary for creative expression.

However, the solution to this conundrum lies in the very act of creation itself. By exercising our creative faculties, we not only combat stress but also rejuvenate our capacity for innovation. Positive actions serve to replenish the wellspring of creativity within us, offering a pathway to enhanced mental well-being. Therefore, in our quest to conquer stress, let us embrace the power of creativity and engage in activities that nurture our happiness and ignite our imagination.

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, finding time for creative pursuits may seem like a daunting task. However, striking a balance between work commitments and leisure activities is essential for maintaining a healthy work-life equilibrium. One strategy to achieve this balance is by effectively managing your time and integrating your hobby into your daily routine. By prioritising your creative endeavours and scheduling dedicated time for crafting, even amidst busy schedules, you can reap the benefits of reduced stress and enhanced well-being.

Consider the therapeutic nature of activities such as knitting, crochet, or sewing, where the repetitive motions induce a state of relaxation while fostering creativity. The gentle rhythm of hand-stitching or the rhythmic clicking of knitting needles serves as a soothing melody, guiding you into a tranquil state of mind. As you immerse yourself in the process, focusing intently on each stitch or loop, you’ll find your worries melting away, replaced by a sense of calm and contentment.

Moreover, the completion of a crafting project brings with it a profound sense of accomplishment, triggering the release of dopamine—the feel-good neurotransmitter—in your brain. This surge of positivity not only enhances your mood but also reinforces a happier outlook on life. Embracing the journey of each project, even amidst challenges, fosters a mindset of resilience and growth. By acknowledging the learning opportunities inherent in every endeavour, you cultivate a sense of achievement that transcends the final outcome, paving the way for improved mental health and emotional well-being.

By carving out time for creativity in your daily routine and embracing the therapeutic benefits of crafting, you embark on a journey towards greater harmony and fulfilment. So, whether it’s a few moments of knitting before bed or a weekend dedicated to sewing, prioritise your creative passions and watch as they transform stress into serenity, one stitch at a time.

In conclusion, crafting serves as a powerful tool for combating stress and nurturing our mental well-being. Just as meditation brings calmness to the mind, engaging in creative activities like crafting can have a similarly soothing effect. The repetitive nature of crafting fosters a meditative quality, while the focus and attention required provide a healthy distraction from life’s stresses, allowing us to reside fully in the present moment. Through crafting, we find not only an outlet for self-expression but also a sanctuary where stress dissipates, replaced by feelings of accomplishment and uplifted spirits.

As April unfolds and Stress Awareness Month takes centre stage, let’s seize the opportunity to prioritise our mental well-being. It’s a time to explore new avenues for stress relief and self-care, and what better way to do so than by immersing ourselves in the world of crafting? Whether you’re a seasoned enthusiast or a newcomer to the craft scene, there’s something for everyone to discover. I invite you to browse through our collection of crafting kits, carefully curated to inspire creativity and promote relaxation. From hand-stitching to needlework and sewing, each kit offers a gateway to tranquillity and self-discovery.

As you embark on this journey of self-care and stress reduction, remember that you’re not alone. Together, let’s embrace the therapeutic power of crafting and carve out moments of peace and creativity amidst the chaos of daily life. Let April be more than just another month on the calendar; let it be a time of renewal, growth, and above all, a celebration of our commitment to nurturing our mental well-being.

New Embroidery Designs


When I am asked to tutor workshops at various groups or organisations, I usually come up with a design following the request from the group facilitator. It can be fun to come up with a design once I have been given a theme or guidelines.

Back last year, I was approached by the local branch for Girl’s Brigade to teach needlework to a group of girls ranging from 13-18 years. The request was for a simple embroidery design that can be displayed in an embroidery hoop featuring the Brigade’s motto. It was quite daunting coming up with something simple enough and yet challenging enough for the group of girls. I came up with the simple round design featuring leaves, roses and bluebells, with their motto in the centre of the wreath.

It was a fun (and challenging) 3 classes to share the skill of needlework to the class of girls, many had never threaded a needle, and none had done needlework before. Many enjoyed the process and really immersed themselves into the needlework.

When I shared photos of the design on Facebook, I had many messages from parents of other Girl Brigadiers that were interested in purchasing the kit for their daughters. I emailed the Head Office to seek guidance in selling the kits to other parents, but it was not forth coming. I could not offer this kit on my website. So in order to make the embroidery design available to the general public, my original design needed to be adjusted. I needed to put on my thinking cap.

It was a lovely embroidery design, and it seemed a shame to see it put away and never to be seen on the website as a kit or pattern. This is when the concept of ‘In Your own Words’ came about. Why not create the pattern/kit of the embroidered floral wreath and let YOU add in your OWN words! This would then allow you to really personalise the embroidery design.

‘In your own words’ – Blank Canvas to personalise with your own saying/quote

In recreating the design in this way, really opened up so many possibilities. My testers had fun writing in their own favourite sayings or even using one of the sayings that were suggested in the pattern. What would you put into your design?

The second embroidery design to be created for an upcoming workshop was Folk Embroidery. I was approached by the organisation that they had had enquiries about Folk Embroidery and would I be interested in designing something and taking the workshop. I love a challenge, and this definitely was one. I had never really thought of Folk Embroidery, so I did some research online to get some guide lines. I then sat down one afternoon and did up some rough sketches and came up with the bird. At first it was slightly out of my comfort zone, as I had never really drawn up anything whimsical before. I have to admit it was fun to do, once I realised that the bird was NOT meant to be realistic, and I could play with colours and embroidery stitches.

Design template

This definitely was a FUN design to embroider, and I loved using the Appleton’s Wool Embroidery threads for my design. These threads are finer than wool tapestry threads and the colours are just amazing. The wool thread is what is normally used in creating Crewel Embroidery, but they were also perfect for creating this Folk Embroidery. They are the threads that are included in the kits.

Folk Embroidery – Bird – using wool embroidery thread

In coming to display my design samples, I was of two minds. The original designs for the workshops were designed to be displayed in the embroidery hoop that is used to stitch the design. The hoops make for a quick, practical and even cost effective way of displaying your finished embroidery. But sometimes it is even nicer to have your work framed to give it that touch of elegance (& also protect it behind glass).

So, I decided that in making up the kits, I would have several kit options available. The fabric, threads and patterns for the designs are in one kit and sold as is. There would also be options to purchase the Hoop/Backing kit or a frame. This allows the purchaser to choose what they need or want. Many have hoops at home or wish to finish it in other ways. So why purchase a kit which includes the hoop and backing felt if you are not going to use it to complete your design? Just trying to give everyone as many options as possible….

I am hoping this new way to offer kits for sale will work and open up the options for everyone. It was hard for me to decide if I wanted to create different designs that were to be displayed/framed on hoops or to have them in frames. Personally I prefer frames, so my work is protected behind glass, but then again, a hoop finish is easily done, and a collection of designs grouped on a wall make for a lovely display.  

I have also released the patterns (in both PDF and printed format) for both the Folk Embroidery and ‘In your own words’ in case you want to use your own materials to create these lovely designs.

So, I hope you like my latest embroidery designs and maybe they will start you onto your own needlework journey…..

New Designs – Star Flower Collection


Going back several years, a table runner was designed, pattern written up for a workshop on furthering your sewing techniques…. A table runner that featured several small blocks …. Blocks that were named …. Half square triangles …. Hatchet blocks …. And put together to form a lovely eight pointed star….

Star Flower Block

It was a lovely block and made an even prettier table runner when several blocks were joined together.

Fast forward to a few months before Christmas 2022 …. And one of the ladies at our weekly sewing class mentioned the table runner that she had made at the workshop all those years ago…. How it was one of her favourite table runner patterns to do … and how much she had learnt from that workshop and the new techniques learnt. It was her ‘Go to’ table runner to make when she wanted to make a present for someone.

I had actually forgotten about the table runner … and had to be reminded of it …. Once I saw the pattern, I realised that it was still lying in the depths of my computer hard drive …. I had never actually gotten round to publishing the pattern!

I decided to print out the pattern and update it, so it was more in keeping with my current pattern formats. That was a task in itself …. It is amazing how much one’s pattern writing have come since it then! At another weekly sewing class, another student mentioned how the design was lovely but was definitely advanced for her skills! I challenged her and said that I would give her the pattern once I had updated it and she could sew it up …. (actually meant that she could test it for me) … Well, she accepted the challenge and found the instructions easy to follow and the cutting instructions/diagrams made it so less daunting! In fact she loved the design/table runner so much, she made two of them for Christmas presents! Think it is safe to say that the pattern was rewritten clearly and with simple to follow instructions.

The table runner pattern is available in both PDF and printed format.

So after completing the two table runners, my ‘tester’ came back to say how much she thoroughly enjoyed the design, and it would be lovely as a square table topper (would suit her Mother’s round dining table) …. ‘it would also make lovely cushion covers’ …. Oh and wouldn’t the block make a gorgeous quilt?!

I guess it is safe to say that a challenge was made to me, and I couldn’t refuse! …. I wrote up a pattern for a cushion cover. However, I didn’t want to finish this cushion cover with my usual button closure on the back. I wanted to have a zip in it!  But not a zip placed in the seam … also wanted binded edges …. So … if the zip was not to go into the seam … and with binding around the cushion …. The zip would need to be placed in the back of the cushion cover. I didn’t want the zip to be seen …. I really do dislike a zip showing on a cushion cover. So …. The idea of having a flap covering the zip was born … a zip discreetly hidden under a flap of fabric on the cushion back.

The Cushion cover pattern is available in both PDF and printed format.

The best thing about putting zips in … and NOT using pins …. Is to use washable basting tape! This really is a game changer! No more scary ‘putting in zips!’ trauma!

Even my testers were like ‘NO, I cant put a zip in!’, ‘My zips never turn out right’!! Well, the feedback from the ladies was brilliant. I think it is safe to say that sewing in zips is so easy! Especially when you use the basting tape. If you have never used basting tape before to sew in your zips …. OR … if you have never sewn in a zip because it is too scary … then do not be afraid … to do be put off with this pattern …. The instructions and diagrams, guide you through step by step in sewing in the perfect discreetly hidden zip into the back of a cushion cover!

Zip Flap closure

The next challenge was the table topper for mother’s dining table … This design was a bit more complex. I could have just used four blocks from the cushion cover and have a square table topper. But the blocks from the cushion cover and the table runner were quite large. If I used that sized block, it would have made my table topper come out quite large. I wanted it to be a reasonable size – around 22-24” square. So I had to go back and work on my figures and have a play with sizing and measurements – this is where maths comes in handy – not my most favourite/easiest subject at school. The blocks needed to be smaller, the hatchet block needed to have a smaller section of fabric showing in the centre. It was all trial and error and making up a few hatchets until I came up with just the right distance in the block.

The table topper pattern is available in both PDF and printed format.

Then Christmas comes along and other work commitments that needed priority over the design samples. I had them sewn … just had to hand sew all the bindings. So, I quietly worked away on the hand stitching when I had a spare moment. I rewrote the pattern drafts, got them proof read and finalised on the computer.

I did had to take photos of the finished items for the pattern covers and website. It really is quite hard to get the time for a photo shoot and just the right weather to take some outdoor photos. But in the end I managed to get all that sorted.

So since Christmas I have been finalising the patterns on the computer and I am happy to say that these patterns are now ready for the website.

The block really is quite stunning and is far easier than it looks. It would not be a beginner’s patchwork pattern but great if you are wanting to further your techniques. The pattern instructions and diagrams are clear and easy to follow.

These designs would look great for Christmas or anytime of the year. Just change your fabric choices. All three designs have been made in a variety of fabrics to really show off just how versatile this block is. I think the hardest part of making this pattern is deciding if you want to make it up with Christmas fabric, in autumn tones or spring colours ….. So why not make up several of each and then you can enjoy the designs all year round!

Celebrate 1 year of Website

Sitting here today at the computer working on upcoming projects for the business and thinking about how this weekend (Sunday to be exact) marks the one-year anniversary of when our new website was launched. It is hard to believe that it has been a year (and what a year) and you have to wonder, just where has the time gone.

It is also a good opportunity to reflect back on how the website came about and what I have achieved in the past year and how to mark the special occasion of having the website for a year. It is funny how the website was borne due to COVID and that 18 months on, COVID still plays a huge part in how we continue to go about our daily life. It has been a hard time for us all and at times I feel we all wonder if we will ever get back to pre-COVID. What I have learnt is that we all need to take life day by day and be grateful for the positives in our life. It can be hard at times to remain positive. However, I take those small positives and focus on them – I have several community workshops booked and while feeling slightly nervous, I am also excited to be out again amongst others doing what I enjoy – crafting and sharing skills. It will almost be like being pre-COVID, except for the masks, vaccines and social distancing. But there is no harm in hoping for ‘normal’ workshops.

Community workshops

I am sitting here today thinking about the new website and how it came about. I have to be thankful for the virus and government restrictions, as I may not have achieved what I have done in 2020, if the world had not dramatically changed. Without the Saturday zoom sessions with my ‘crafting’ buddies and spending a relaxed afternoon crafting, chatting, laughing, (drinking) and putting the world to rights, the website may never have been created. From those zoom sessions, came the idea and birth of an online shop and new improved website. Months of hard work (from everyone in the new ‘Nifty Needles tech/management team) followed – research, compiling a list of stock, patterns, deciding on categories and what goes where, taking photos, inputting the products onto the website and writing up descriptions for everything – to get the online website that we now have. Sometimes, sharing your dreams and aspirations out loud to friends, and with support, you can achieve your dreams.

As a team, we discussed on the ‘right’ time to launch the new website. We agreed that it was a special day to remember and celebrate. So, with it being my birthday, I thought it would be appropriate to launch the website on my birthday to mark the occasion. Not that my birthday is anything that I wish to remember, another year older (& hopefully wiser) but it would be an easy date to remember when we launched the website.  So with my birthday looming up (ever so quickly) it means that the website has been up and running for a year. I think I would just prefer to think of the date as Nifty Needles birthday.

It is also a good opportunity to reflect back on the past year. It has been a rough year for us all, but it is best to focus on the good and achievements. The start of the year became with a long and hard lockdown, the attitudes of people changing. It was hard at times to see just how society/people changed but it was heart-warming to know that there was always that positive network of support when it was needed the most.

When I look back at what has happened this year, I am amazed that one of my dreams come true, the purchase of a longarm machine and the ever-growing need to practise and use the machine. I love being creative on the machine and seeing quilts, etc., come to life under the needle of the machine and my hands. There is still so much I want to learn and achieve on the machine. One thing I have come to realise, you are never too old to learn a new skill and extending our techniques and abilities.

I still have so much more that I want to learn and achieve, while Nifty Needles grows and blossoms.

So, I felt that the best way to celebrate the birthday of the Nifty Needles website is to have a 20% discount on everything in the website – notions, patterns, kits, clearance and so forth – from today through to midnight Thursday 30 September 2021. Just use the code – BIRTHDAY – at the checkout. I will also have some free giveaways to celebrate the anniversary of the website, so stay tuned for those.


Finally, I want to thank every one of you for being here with me (virtually) throughout 2020/21, supporting and encouraging me. Hopefully I have helped in some way to keep you all sane with crafting and my designs/kits.