Where did it all begin


A New Start

So, where did it all begin? Well, after all of the discussion on Facebook, my new site is finally live. On reflection, this has been a difficult few months. The fantastic team that has helped me with the site and the shop have kept me focussed, and I can admit that it is not easy. Within the current Covid-19 restrictions, they have built kits, fed me, bullied me, tidied my stock room and kept my dream alive. They do not want to be named as they feel this site is about Nifty Needles, my family and me. I hope over the next few months they may change their minds and I can introduce them to you all.

Go Live

On the last weekend of testing the site, we made the decision that we were ready to go live. This decision meant no more work on the site. Feeling drained, and with time on my hands, I started to think about the journey that has taken me to where I am now. In this, my first real Blog Post, I would like to share some of my thoughts and feelings.

The Past

Going back a few years, I was in a very stressful job with no job satisfaction, office politics and no prospect for promotion. I am sure some of you know what I was experiencing. I was also a single mum with a young daughter with autism. Now, I know being a single mum is not easy, but getting time off for childcare and appointments was a significant issue.


OK, that is enough about that. So, crafting then. I have always enjoyed crafting; actually, all arts and crafts in general. The satisfaction we get when using our hands to produce a piece of artwork or craftwork is addictive in the best possible way. What is even better is being able to pass on those skills to other people. I was fortunate that my mother was a dressmaker. When I was seven years old, she taught me cross-stitch and how to use a sewing machine. I started knitting and crocheting when I was twelve years old.

More Crafting

You may be surprised to hear that I do not have a particular craft that I love above all others. Over time this may have led to a surplus of unfinished projects that I am always just about to finish. I do know that I am not the only person in this situation. If I had to pick something, it might be needlework and applique on quilts over machine pieced quilts. I am not overly fond of foundation paper piecing. I must admit I am not too fond of sewing up seams in knitted garments; for that reason, I taught myself top-down knitting. Finally, I do prefer knitting over crochet.

The Present

So, this is where I am now. I love that I earn a living from doing what I enjoy. Crafting is a great stress reliever, and I want to share this with others. I like to encourage mental wellbeing by running classes and workshops. Taking the journey into designing and writing patterns was a leap of trust in my ability, but one I have enjoyed. The biggest compliment I can receive is somebody buying one of my designs and making it up.

Maybe The Future

If you have read this far, thank you. Please take time to look at the whole site. I will welcome feedback and suggestions for improvements.

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